Thursday 28 April 2011

Programming : Step 1

Setting Up Your Computer

In order to program an Android app you will need some software.  These can all be downloaded for free and are updated regularly to ensure correctness.  You do not need to have an Android enable device initially to test your apps on but quite quickly you will want one to ensure the work well when running on a live system.
  1. Download Eclipse here, which is an IDE (programming envorinment) that can be used for programming within.  You can just as easily make a Java program using Eclipse but we will ensure that it contains the appropriate Android plugins so you can also make Android apps.
  2. Download the Android SDK here, which contains the development kit to make apps.
  3. Download Android Tools here, which is also required to make apps.
The next thing to do is ensure that Eclipse and the Android SDK are working together.  In order to achieve this do the following, and make sure you don't miss anything out.


In order to see your Android apps working without a hardware device like an Android phone, you can use the Emulator instead which is reasonable, but takes a little time to start up sometimes.  This must be created by yourself using the following.


Before you can make any apps, you need to have a look at the phone emulator and become familiar with the way an Android device operates.  To do this start up the emulator using the following.


And that is how you prepare your computer before you start to make your first Android app.

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